These are the best foods for healthy hair

We all know how important it is to use the right products for our hair type. After all, if you want high-quality hair, you need to use high quality products. But did you also know that your diet is just as important for your hair’s health? We're about to show you the best foods for healthy hair.

Believe it or not, the age-old saying is true: you are, in fact, what you eat. Put in slightly more scientific terms, your body uses the nutrients food in the foods that you eat to build new cells. This includes your skin, nails, and hair cells. So, if you want healthy hair, it’s important to have a healthy diet. And if we’ve said it once, we’ve said it a thousand times: healthy hair IS beautiful hair.

Luckily, most of the “superfoods” that are good for your overall health have added benefits for your hair as well. Here are some of the top foods that you’ll want to start incorporating into your diet  for healthier hair


BERRIES, especially raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries were ranked number one in antioxidant activity by the US Department of Agriculture compared to 40 common fruits and vegetables. The antioxidants in blueberries protect you from premature aging, so add a cup to your yogurt or cereal every day.

TROPICAL FRUITS such as mango and papaya are rich in vitamin C, A ,and E. These powerful antioxidants protect cells, while delivering rich, emollient properties, making fruit one of the best foods for healthy hair.

DARK, LEAFY GREENS, like broccoli,  spinach and chard. Dark green leafy veggies are full of vitamins A and C. Your body uses these foods to produce sebum, the oily secretion on your scalp that works like conditioner. These veggies also pack iron and calcium. Trade your lettuce for spinach and sauté broccoli for a quick and healthy side


MILK PROTEINS from milk, yogurt and cheese. Dairy products are plentiful of calcium and protein. Choose low-fat or fat-free versions so your waistline and hair can both benefit. Mix it with fruit or granola for a healthy breakfast or afternoon snack.

EGGS are another food thats rich in protein. Eggs are loaded with four key minerals: zinc, selenium, sulfur and iron. Iron is especially important because it helps cells carry oxygen to the hair follicles, and too little iron is a major cause of hair loss, particularly in woman.

WILD SALMON if not farm raised is full of protein, which is the main component of hair. Oily fish like salmon contains beneficial Omega 3 fatty acid that can help prevent a dry scalp, as well as vitamin B-12 and iron. You wont have a problem adding salmon to your diet since there are hundreds of ways to enjoy this beauty superfood. Try it grilled, baked, in your pasta, with a salad or in sushi.

POULTRY, this everyday entrée is extraordinary when it comes to protein, as well as hair healthy zinc, iron and B vitamins to keep strands strong and plentiful. Because hair is nearly all protein, foods rich in protein are giving you the building blocks for hair.


OLIVE OIL no one wants dry, lackluster hair. But if your diet is too low in fat, thats what could happen. This healthy oil contains beneficial vitamin E, so use it for your sautés as well your salads. About a teaspoon a day will do the trick.

NUT BUTTERS like almond, muru muru, and coconut butter provide moisture and essential fatty acids. Delicious and nutritious, which is why it makes our list for best foods for healthy hair.

SUNFLOWER OIL similar to nut butters (but less fatty), sunflower oil hydrates and provides essential fatty acids and antioxidants.


WATER That’s right, good old fashioned plain water. While the typical recommendation is 64 oz per day, a more accurate calculation is to divide your body weight in half and drink that number of ounces. If you live in a particularly humid or dry climate, or are very active, you will want to add in additional ounces.

Water keeps everything in your body running smoothly, from your blood to your sweat, and yes, even your tears. Most importantly, it aids in the digestive process, making it easier for your system to absorb all of those super nutrients that you are getting.

You can’t fake healthy hair. So, treat it right, with high quality products, and treat your body right with a nutrient dense diet. It’s beauty, naturally.

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